8 Work from Home Tips to Increase Your Productivity

work from home productivity

Working from home is a great option, but it isn’t always easy. If you’re thinking about working from home or even starting a home-based business, here are some tips to help make your experience more productive and successful.

Start with a simple morning routine

Wake up early and start your day with a morning routine. The first thing you do can make or break the rest of your day, so it’s essential to get it right. Your morning routine should include things like:

  • Drink water
  • Do some exercise (even if it’s just going on a short walk)
  • Eat breakfast

Keep regular working hours

The most important thing to remember when working from home is to keep regular hours. To do this, you must have a schedule and stick to it.

Start with a weekly schedule and then move on to the daily one. You need this consistency so that your body knows what’s coming next and can prepare accordingly (you’ll be more alert if you know where the next meal will come from).

Secondly, make sure that you get enough sleep! Well-rested workers are better workers, which means they’re also more productive. It’s much easier for people who work in an office environment. They go home at 6 pm sharp every day after work and go to bed because that’s what everyone else does.

There’s no temptation or opportunity for staying up late playing video games or watching TV shows after 10 pm when their roommates are asleep too… But since most people who work from home don’t live alone (or even just one other person), there’s always room for distractions like those mentioned above!

Make sure that there aren’t any other sources of entertainment available, and keep your own house clean so nobody else comes over wanting something like snacks or drinks, which would increase temptation levels exponentially!

Establish your workspace

To increase your productivity, you must ensure that your workspace is organized and comfortable. It will help you stay focused on the task instead of being distracted by other things. Here are some tips for creating an effective home office:

Create a “home office” space in your house. 
Creating a “home office” space can be as simple as setting up a desk in one corner of the room or creating an entire room dedicated to working from home. Of course, it’s best if this room has good lighting, but if not, it should have plenty of windows so that natural light can come through when possible.

Make sure your workspace is quiet and free from distractions such as TVs or children playing nearby.
Keeping these distractions away from where you work will keep them out of mind while allowing them access to other parts of the house (like televisions).

Make sure that wherever you’re working feels comfortable! 
You probably won’t want to sit there all day long if it doesn’t feel right. So make sure everything has been organized so that nothing looks cluttered or messy before starting each day (or every time after taking breaks). There should also be enough room for equipment (iPad/laptop/computer etc.).

Organize files using either software programs like Dropbox, which synchronizes automatically across devices connected via the internet or cloud storage services like iCloud Drive (which comes with iPhones). Then, files stay updated even without manually syncing every time file changes occur. 

Set boundaries with family members

You might want to set boundaries with family members. For example, you can discuss a schedule for when you will be available for calls and visits.

Another thing that can help is to clarify that your time working from home is just as important as the time spent doing other things. If someone interrupts your work or asks for something from you during this time, they should expect a firm no. You’ll need to be very consistent in responding so that everyone knows what to expect when they approach you at a specific time of day or week.

 It may also be beneficial if everyone in your family understands that certain activities are not allowed while others are in the same space, such as watching TV.

If possible, “see” coworkers and other workers virtually.

  • If possible, “see” coworkers and other workers virtually. If you can’t see your coworkers at their desks, try video conferencing to make it feel like they’re in the same room.
    Video conferencing is a great way to stay in touch with people without having to be physically present for meetings (and when things get too heated during those meetings).
    If you want to share ideas and stay up to date at the office, use social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook Messenger. Don’t forget about other collaborative tools like Google Docs and Trello too!
  • Share documents and files across devices easily by using cloud services. Cloud storage makes it easy for employees who work from home to access all their projects from any device with internet access. They never have to worry about losing important files on an outdated computer!

Stay connected to the outside world

You should maintain an online presence to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and news. This includes your social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and professional ones (LinkedIn). In addition, I recommend having a blog for your business and subscribing to industry newsletters.

As much as it can be a distraction, staying connected with friends and family is important to stay mentally healthy during work-from-home days. However, make sure you don’t spend too much time on these sites. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re enjoying yourself!

The key is balance. You want to ensure that you’re taking time off from work so that you don’t burn out or get too stressed by all the tasks at hand. However, if all else fails, remember that everything else in life still exists outside of the Internet world!

Schedule breaks for walking, talking, etc.

Tak is a simple but effective way to recharge your batteries. Make sure you work in increments of around 90 minutes, where you take a break, then return to your task.

Try and avoid working all day without a break or two. Even if it’s just going outside for five minutes and taking some deep breaths, it will significantly affect how well you concentrate later in the day.

Do more emptying than filling

Now that you’re working from home and can work how and when you want, it’s easy to get distracted by calls and emails. 

Don’t check your email or answer your phone while meeting with clients or working on a crucial project. Then, you’ll be more likely to stay focused on the task.

There are many reasons why checking calls/emails less frequently than in an office environment can increase productivity:

  • Having fewer distractions allows more focus on projects (i.e., actually getting work done)
  • Achieving a sense of accomplishment after completing tasks helps build motivation—and keeps people coming back for more!

Do not work all of the time!

It would help if you did not work all of the time. Taking breaks and having a life outside your job is okay. However, you need to make sure you are taking time off to relax and recharge because if you don’t, burnout may occur, hurting productivity. In addition, being able to spend time with family and friends is important so that you feel fulfilled in your life outside of work.

Make some adjustments

Working from home can be great, but you need to make some adjustments to make it work well. Working from home is a significant change, so setting boundaries with family members is essential. You also need to find a space you can call your own and ensure you have access to the outside world when needed. Lastly, schedule breaks between working hours to keep yourself refreshed!

The key to working from home is pretty simple:

  • Make sure that you have the right tools and workspace.
  • Establish a routine and stick with it as much as possible.
  • Keep in touch with the outside world.
  • Do not get too attached to your technology or any one task.

If you can follow these rules of thumb, you shouldn’t have much trouble working from home.

