The Rumble Roller vs. Regular Foam Roller

foam roller rumble roller

If you’ve never used a foam roller, it’s time to get on board. Rolling over sore muscles and ligaments can help you reduce pain and improve the mobility of your joints.

The most common type of foam roller has been around for years, but newer versions are starting to show up on store shelves that look more like giant cookie cutters than anything else. Rumble Rollers have become popular because they’re easier to use, but there are still some questions about which one is better for your needs. Today we’ll answer those questions so you can make an informed decision when choosing between these two devices!

How the Rumble Roller works.

The Rumble Roller is different from traditional foam rollers in its design. Instead of being a straight rod, it has bumps and grooves along the length of it that push into your skin when you roll over them. These bumps and grooves give you the sensation of deep tissue massage when rolling out on the Rumble Roller.

While this may seem like overkill at first glance, there are several benefits to using the Rumble Roller over other types of foam rollers.

How to use your foam roller

If you’re new to foam rolling, you should know a few things. First, foam rollers come in different densities and sizes. The density refers to the amount of softness or firmness of the roller. Starting on a softer roller and working your way up will help ease the muscle tension and prevent injury.

The smaller-diameter rollers tend to be firmer than the larger-diameter ones because they’re made from denser material (fewer air pockets). The longer lengths also allow for greater leverage during a massage.

If you find that using one roller isn’t enough for some areas of your body, try using two at once by placing one end between two objects—the tub rim or a wall—and resting your opposite hand on top of it while rolling out each side at a time with both hands.

There are three main ways people use their foam rollers: 

1) Massage – This is where most people start when they get their first foam roller since it feels like what happens at physical therapy appointments where someone rolls around on their back while getting deep tissue massage therapy sessions done. 

2) Stretching – This is an important part of any workout regimen, whether doing yoga, CrossFit training classes, or lifting weights regularly at home.

3) Recovery – After workouts like running long distances outside, uphill sprints on grassy slopes may cause soreness which indicates inflammation, so post-workout recovery should always include massaging these painful spots with pressure until no longer tender before moving onto stretching exercises such as yoga poses (downward dogs), planks/pushups

Who would benefit from the textured surface of the Rumble Roller?

As mentioned before, the Rumble Roller is great for deep tissue massage. That’s because its textured surface stimulates your muscles and helps loosen them up.

As a result, it can be especially beneficial to people who have experienced a lot of trauma or are dealing with chronic pain. Anyone who has tried using regular foam rollers will tell you that they don’t provide much “stimulation” – the sensation is subtle and minimal compared to the Rumble Roller!

The Rumble Roller is also good for those who are very active in their daily lives (runners, cyclists, etc.). If you are constantly working out or training hard regularly, your muscles will likely be well-developed but tight by default. In this case, a regular foam roller won’t cut it – you need something stronger, like the textured surface on this product instead!

Who should stick to a standard foam roller?

If you have a history of back pain, a standard foam roller may be better for you. It allows for the same type of rolling as a Rumble Roller but with less risk to your spine.

The Rumble Roller is designed to stimulate muscles and joints throughout the body, which means it can place pressure on some areas that are not used to getting this type of stimulation. This can lead to soreness and discomfort in certain cases. If your main concern is avoiding back pain when using a roller, then a traditional foam roller may be more suitable.

However, if you’re looking for a deep tissue massage or want something extra intense, the standard foam rollers won’t cut it! In this case, I recommend trying out one of these products!

The Rumble Roller might not be right for you

Rumble Roller is a great tool for anyone looking to improve their flexibility and mobility, but it’s only for some. Several aspects of the Rumble Roller make it less than ideal for some people. For example, suppose you have very sensitive skin or are prone to bruising. In that case, rolling with harder surfaces such as the Rumble Roller may be uncomfortable and potentially harmful (although this depends on your experience level).

In addition, if you have any joint pain or injury where increased pressure might not be helpful (e.g., an injured knee), then rolling with the textured surface of the Rumble Roller could put too much pressure on areas that need healing time.

However, it’s important to note that these issues aren’t necessarily specific only to this kind of product—they can arise with any foam roller in general. 

If you’re unsure about which type would work best for you specifically—or if there’s something else holding you back from trying out either option—I highly recommend consulting with a physical therapist before deciding what kind will work best for your needs!

There are a lot of benefits to using a roller. The most obvious one is that it can be used anywhere and is easy to travel with. A roller also provides more control over how much pressure you apply than other types of rollers do.

So which roller should you buy? If you’re looking for more intense foam rolling experience, go with the Rumble Roller. If you want something easier on your back but still feel great, go with the regular foam roller!