The Effects of Improper Sitting Posture

Sitting is a very important part of our daily lives, and it’s something we’re doing much more often than we used to.

However, sitting can have negative effects on your posture, especially if you’re not careful about your sitting position.

This article will help you understand the importance of proper posture while sitting and what you can do to prevent any damages caused by bad habits while working at a desk or in front of the computer.

Neck and back pain

While sitting in a bad position can cause neck and back pain, sitting in a good position can reduce pain. Proper posture helps you avoid injury, muscle strain, and other problems caused by poor sitting posture.


Headaches are the most common symptom of bad sitting posture. They can be caused by poor circulation, muscle tension and poor breathing. The head sits forward of the rest of your body and strains to support itself in this position. Poor posture causes a restriction in blood flow to the brain and can also put stress on other parts of the body like your neck or back.

Headaches may also be related to ergonomics; if you sit at work all day long, there might not always be an opportunity to change positions frequently enough to avoid them entirely.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that happens when the median nerve in your wrist is compressed or pinched. This can cause pain, numbness and tingling in your hand, fingers and thumb. Carpal tunnel syndrome most often affects people who work with their hands for long periods of time—like carpenters and musicians—but it can also happen if you sit with awkward postures that put pressure on your wrists.

It’s important to know whether or not you have carpal tunnel syndrome so you can get proper treatment for the problem as soon as possible.

Treatment includes medication, surgery and changing how you use your hands (such as stretching exercises). You can also prevent the condition from happening by moving around more at work and taking frequent breaks from typing or other activities where you hold items such as pens or pencils with a flexed wrist posture for extended periods of time.

Digestive issues, heartburn, and reflux

If you’re sitting, it’s likely that your digestive system will be affected by the way you sit. Your body needs to be in motion and moving through various positions throughout the day.

When we don’t move as much, our bodies start to get lazy and stop working as well as they should. This can cause digestive issues like heartburn and reflux, which are common problems among those who spend too much time sitting down at work or at home.

Mood changes

Sitting for long periods of time can cause mood changes. It’s even possible to experience depression as a result of sitting improperly, since your body will be in a state that’s not natural. If you’re constantly slouching, you’re likely to feel fatigue and lack of concentration. These are signs that you should find ways to improve your posture and sit with good form.

When it comes down to it, sitting is an act that requires constant attention and care—but if we don’t pay attention, we’ll suffer the consequences: poor mental health and constant pain!

Eye strain and vision problems

You may have heard the term “computer vision syndrome” before. It’s a common condition that occurs when you spend long hours looking at a computer screen, resulting in fatigue and headaches.

Symptoms of this syndrome include dry eyes, blurred vision, eye strain and even headaches. The problem is caused by the strain of looking at a computer screen for extended periods of time which can cause your eyes to become fatigued and lose focus. It’s important to take breaks from your work so that your eyes don’t get too tired or strained while using them on the computer screen all day long!

Difficulty breathing

In addition to causing back pain and headaches, poor posture can also lead to breathing problems. Because the body is designed to move while sitting, slouching or hunching forward will cause your lungs and chest cavity to compress, making it harder for you to breathe. This can result in shortness of breath, wheezing and difficulty coughing or clearing your throat.

To correct your posture so that you are able to breathe easier:

  • Sit up tall – Your shoulders should be back with a natural curve at the neck (no craning). Your head should be aligned over the spine with an even line running through it.
  • Relax your jaw – Clenching the jaw can restrict breathing because it interferes with opening up the airway in your throat.

Rethink how you’re sitting. You could be hurting yourself.

Sitting posture is important. If you don’t sit properly, you can cause yourself health problems. It’s vital that you learn how to sit correctly.

It’s not hard to do, though—and it’ll help both your body and mind stay in tip-top shape.

Tips for good Sitting Posture

  • Sit up straight, with your back supported by the chair.
  • Rest your feet flat on the floor or cross them at the ankles.
  • Relax your shoulders, making sure that they don’t sag forward or backward.
  • Keep your head level. Don’t tip it back or forward.
  • Keep your arms at a 90-degree angle from your torso so that they aren’t resting on the desk or crossed in front of you.
  • Keep your knees at a right angle and not resting on the edge of your desk.
  • Don’t slouch or slump. Sit upright, with your shoulders back but relaxed. If you’re tired, get up and stretch every 20 minutes or so.
  • Keep your hands in a relaxed position, with your palms facing up.
  • Rest your elbows on the armrests of your chair or desk.
  • If you are working at a keyboard or mouse, keep your hands and forearms parallel to the floor.

The goal of this article is to teach you how to sit properly and comfortably at your desk so that you can work efficiently and effectively.

By following these simple tips, you will be able to improve your posture and decrease the risk of developing a musculoskeletal disorder. Good posture is important for both physical and mental health, so make sure that you are sitting up straight when working at a computer or doing other tasks.