The Complete Guide to Standing Desks

Complete Guide to Standing Desks

The standing desk has recently become a hot topic in the office furniture world, and for good reason. These desks put you in a healthier position and increase productivity by providing more freedom of movement. But how do you know which one is right for your needs?

Here’s our complete guide to standing desks: from health benefits to ergonomic considerations, we’ve got everything you need to know about putting your feet up at work.

What is a standing desk?

A standing desk is an adjustable desk that allows you to stand or sit at will. It’s a great way to prevent back pain, poor posture, and other problems associated with sitting all day (even if you’re doing something low-impact like coding).

A standing desk can help in other ways, too. For example, you might find yourself more productive when standing because it’s easier to focus on work without the distraction of social media or email notifications. Standing desks are also good for your overall health. 

Why standing desks are getting more popular

Standing desks have been around for a long time. They were first developed in the 1960s but didn’t start to catch on until the early 2000s. However, more and more people are using them now because of their health and ergonomic benefits over sitting all day.

  • Health Benefits: Standing desks can help reduce back pain and increase productivity, which is why many employers want their employees to stand during work hours.
  • Ergonomic Benefits: While standing all day may not be ideal for everyone, it does provide more movement than sitting does. That means you’re less likely to get stiff or sore muscles or suffer from fatigue associated with sitting still all day long.

Benefits of a Standing Desk

Standing desks have been shown to have many benefits, including:

  • Better health. Standing instead of sitting has been linked to lower blood pressure and a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions. It also helps you burn more calories than sitting (about 300 per hour if you’re standing at work). And if you decide to take the extra step of walking around your office while talking on the phone or working on something else for an hour or two every day, that can lead to even more health benefits!
  • More energy throughout the day. Research has found that people who stand while working report less fatigue and greater concentration than those who sit down all day long and can focus better too! If you’ve ever had trouble concentrating after lunchtime but felt like you couldn’t move away from your desk because there was too much unfinished work, this one is for you.
  • A higher level of productivity when using a standing desk compared with sitting down at one.

Types of standing desks

Standing desks can be divided into two basic types: fixed and adjustable. 

A fixed-height standing desk stays at the same height when you sit down or stand up. A pedestal desk is an example of a fixed-height standing desk, like most desktop podiums and countertop displays.

Adjustable-height desks raise and lower as needed for sitting or standing work positions but do not move back and forth between them. Most adjustable-height desks use an electric motor to raise and lower themselves, but there are maual ones also.

Manual adjustable desks tend to be bulkier than their motorized cousins but offer more flexibility in height settings (e.g., they might allow you to set your desk at heights other than 50 inches).

How to Choose the Right Height Adjustable Desk

To help you find the right adjustable desk, we’re breaking down each of the main considerations when shopping. By keeping these things in mind, the goal is to choose a standing desk that will last for years and make all your coworkers jealous of how much more productive you are.

  • Consider your height: If you’re under 5’4″ (1.63 m), we suggest looking into adjustable desks with a lower range of adjustment.
    If you’re over 6’2″ (1.88 m), however, look for an adjustable desk with a higher range of adjustment so that it doesn’t take up too much space and still allows for ergonomic comfort at eye level or above whenever possible.
  • Consider your desk surface size: Make sure to measure out the length x width dimensions of where you plan on putting your new adjustable standing desk before making any purchase decisions!
    You don’t want something too big or bulky if there’s no room available–and likewise, don’t get something so small that it won’t be able to hold everything necessary (e.g., laptop computer plus mouse/keyboard).

How to adjust your desk ergonomically

Adjust the height of your desk

Adjust the angle of your desk

Adjust the position of your monitor

Adjust the position of your keyboard and mouse

Adjust the position of your chair

Best standing desk options for back pain sufferers

If you’re looking for a standing desk solution that will help alleviate your back pain, here are some options to consider:

  • A stand-up desk is the most cost-effective option because it’s the least expensive. You can easily convert any table or desk into a standing desk without spending much money.
    The downside is that this may not be ideal for people taller than 6 feet. Also, if you’re going to be using a laptop on your stand-up desk (recommended), it might get in the way when you want to sit down for long periods.
  • An adjustable sit-to-stand desk allows users to choose between sitting and standing positions throughout the day to prevent fatigue caused by sustained periods of sitting down.
    It offers many benefits, such as improved circulation and greater productivity due to fewer interruptions caused by breaks needed while shifting positions throughout each day.
    It also reduces back pain caused by prolonged sitting during work hours each day (not recommended). They’re great options if space limitations allow them but otherwise may feel too bulky, especially when trying different heights at different times during each day which can become frustrating after a while.
  • A standing desk converter fits over existing desks allowing users more flexibility with their choice between sitting or standing positions throughout each day without costing too much upfront. 

Impact of desk setup on your back health

You may have heard the phrase “sitting is the new smoking,” and it’s true. Sitting for too long can wreak havoc on your body, causing back pain and weight gain. But you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on improving your health at work by switching out your desk for a standing desk.

Standing desks are great because they allow you to change how you spend your day—and change is good! It helps keep things exciting and interesting, keeping us focused on our work (instead of just staring at our screens). A standing desk also allows users with lower back problems or general discomfort from sitting down all day to alleviate some issues without getting up every hour or so.

The first thing we recommend doing when considering whether or not a standing desk (or any other piece of equipment) will benefit you is asking yourself these questions:
What do I want out of this product?
How much am I willing to spend?
Will this help me reach my goals?

These questions will help guide you through what features matter most in any given situation; after all, no matter how fancy or expensive something is, there’s always another option available at varying price points!

Please note that while many benefits are associated with using them (including reducing back pain), they aren’t perfect solutions either! As with most things, tradeoffs are involved when making decisions about health concerns like these.”

We know that standing desks are trendy; for a good reason, they can help reduce back pain and increase productivity. But for many people, investing in one of these desks isn’t realistic. And that’s okay! We hope this guide has given you some perspective on your situation and helped you understand why standing desks might be a good choice.