How the Chiropractors Can Help with Rounded Shoulders

Chiropractors Can Help with Rounded Shoulders

Rounded shoulders result from natural wear and tear on our bodies, but various lifestyle habits can also cause them. A chiropractor can help fix rounded shoulders with treatment and exercises that restore normal spinal alignment. 

Cause of rounded shoulders

Rounded shoulders can be caused by poor posture and stress. They may also result from previous injuries, repetitive motion, or medical conditions such as osteoporosis. Here are some examples of medical conditions that cause rounded shoulders:

  • Spinal stenosis
  • Scoliosis (side-to-side curvature of the spine)
  • Degenerative disc disease

What is the treatment for rounded shoulders?

The treatment for a rounded shoulder condition is based on the underlying cause. For example, if your rounded shoulders are due to a postural problem, it may be advisable to visit a chiropractor. The chiropractor will evaluate your posture and make adjustments if necessary. The goal of treatment is to improve alignment and lessen stress on the muscles that support your neck, arms and shoulders. Your chiropractor might also recommend massage or physical therapy as part of your treatment plan.

If you have upper back pain, your doctor may suggest exercises or stretches to help reduce tension in these areas. You may also need other treatments like acupuncture, or heat wraps if you have pain caused by injury or inflammation in those areas (for example, from arthritis).

How does a chiropractor treat rounded shoulders?

The types of treatments that a chiropractor can offer to help you with rounded shoulders include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Exercises
  • Massage therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Injections, including corticosteroids and Botox® injections to reduce muscle spasms

The chiropractor may also use heat or cold therapy on your back as part of the treatment. For example, if your pain is caused by inflammation in muscles and joints, the doctor might apply ice packs or heating pads to help control swelling and ease discomfort.

After treatment for rounded shoulders

Once you’ve adjusted your shoulders, you’ll want to ensure that the results last. It can be easy to forget how important it is to keep your shoulders back and chest up in everyday life—and once you’re out of the office, the chiropractor’s hands aren’t there anymore! To help avoid rounded shoulders after treatment:

  • Strengthen the muscles in your back and chest. As I mentioned earlier, these are two areas where tightness often contributes to rounded shoulders. If you find yourself slouching or slumping forward at home or work regularly, strengthening exercises will help retrain your posture and hold it over time.
  • Improve your posture daily by doing simple stretches, stretching out tight chest muscles, and improving alignment between the head/neck/back/chest region; this will also help prevent future episodes by improving overall muscle tone throughout the shoulder area. 
  • Do exercises that stretch out tight chest muscles (e.g., push-ups) each morning before starting work. 

How a chiropractor can help

A chiropractor will use a variety of treatments and exercises to restore normal spinal alignment, posture, and strength.

  • Chiropractic adjustments are one of the most popular methods used by chiropractors to help relieve pain and improve the range of motion in the body. Using highly skilled hands-on techniques, a doctor can realign vertebrae misaligned due to trauma or improper posture. This is often done by hand but may also be accomplished through specialized instruments like an activator or drop table.
  • Exercises are essential to any rehabilitation program at a chiropractor’s office because they help strengthen weak muscles while maintaining proper spinal alignment through proper posture and technique. For example, if you’ve got rounded shoulders, then there could be tightness in your chest muscles that needs stretching out before your shoulder blades start looking more square again!

    That’s why it’s important for patients who receive regular massage therapy appointments at our clinic to keep up with their exercise routines on their own time, so they don’t lose any progress made during treatment sessions.”

Rounded shoulders are a very common condition that chiropractors can treat. They use their expertise to identify the underlying cause of this condition and find the best treatment for it. The treatment may include physiotherapy, exercise, and other therapies, such as traction or massage therapy and spinal manipulation.