Forward Head Posture Fix Review: Bought and Tried!

forward head posture fix review

Forward Head Posture Fix Review

by John Rowan

forward head posture fix review
The Forward Head Posture Fix program is a step-by-step guide for correcting forward head posture through a series of exercises and the use of the Sequential Flow Method. It is created by fitness industry experts Mike Westerdal and Rick Kaselj.
Program Effectiveness
User Friendliness


The Forward Head Posture Fix program, created by Mike Westerdal and Rick Kaselj, promises to provide a unique approach to fixing forward head posture through a series of exercises and a method known as the Sequential Flow Method. However, some may question the integrity of the creators as the Sequential Flow Method may be perceived as just a marketing ploy. Despite this, the program does work, but it is not a miracle cure. The key to success with this program is sticking with it and consistently following through with the exercises. It is important to note that the program will not work unless you put in the effort and stay committed.


People have forward head posture because it has become a common problem. Many people suffer from this problem. It is when your head sticks out in front of your body instead of being straight. If you have this problem, you’re not alone. It is estimated that up to 80% of the population has some degree of FHP.

Forward head posture can lead to some serious health problems if left untreated. These problems can include neck pain, shoulder pain, and headaches.

The reason you are reading this Forward Head Posture Fix Review is most likely because you suffer from forward head posture. You may have also heard of the Forward Head Posture Fix Program by Mike Westerdal and Rick Kaselj.

I am pretty certain most of you do not want to read about the causes, symptoms, or effects of forward head posture. You just wanna know if Forward Head Posture Fix Program can really help you fix forward head posture.

So, let’s just get to the Forward Head Posture Fix review, and answer the question: Does Forward Head Posture Fix Really Work?

forward head posture fix

Click here to visit official Forward Head Posture Fix website.

Why Forward Head Posture Fix Review

Forward Head Posture Fix is a program created by Mike Westerdal and Rick Kaselj.

The program is a step-by-step guide that shows you exactly what you need to do to fix your forward head posture.

You will learn simple exercises that you can do at home to improve your posture. The best part is, these exercises only take a few minutes per day.

I decided to review Forward Head Posture Fix because I am always looking for new ways to improve my posture. I have had some success with other programs, but I wanted to see if this one was any different.

I also found it interesting that the program claims that all of the advice you’ve ever received on fixing your posture is incorrect.

According to Mike Westerdal, you literally have to “unwind” the right muscles one-by-one in the right order to really target them.


When you see how deeply connected the muscles around your neck and back are to each other, you realize there has to be a right order in which to exercise these for optimal effect.

Mike Westerdal, on the website, claims to have a unique method that can fix your forward head posture without fail.

The program is outlined in a series of basic stretches/exercises that employs a unique ‘Sequential Flow‘ method. All of the exercises in the program are based on this method, and are meant to be done in a specific order. The idea is that if you do these exercises in the right order, you’ll be able to correct your posture without fail.

 I was intrigued by the program and decided to buy it to see if it could actually help me fix my posture and if they would indeed provide scientific evidence/support for Sequential Flow Method.

If you’ve been browsing and researching product reviews on the Forward Head Posture Fix, you’ve probably come across some that aren’t very helpful.

Most of the product reviews I found weren’t very helpful because it was so obvious that in most cases, the reviewers have never used the product.

They were just longer paraphrased versions of the sales page.

I decided that buying the program for myself was the only way I could get a true impression of it.

What is the Forward Head Posture Fix Program?

According to the Forward Head Posture Fix website:

The Forward Head Posture Fix Program will teach you how to quickly and easily fix forward head posture. This guide was created by Mike Westerdal and Rick Kaselj, a leading kinesiologist and injury specialist. Their exclusive method of fixing forward head posture involves ‘unraveling’ the neck muscles for guaranteed improved posture.

Static stretching is an outdated concept that only provides temporary relief, but this program guarantees long-term results. They hold the belief that online experts have been wrong about stretches and movements- it’s not about the exercises themselves, but rather the order of which they are completed.

You literally have to “unwind” the right muscles one-by-one in the right order to really target them.

The program consists of a series of basic 11 stretches and exercises employing the ‘Sequential Flow’ method. All of the exercises in the program are based on this method, and are meant to be done in a specific order. The idea is that if you do these exercises in the right order, you’ll be able to correct your posture without fail.

This special unravelling technique includes:

If your neck has been thrust forward for too long carrying too much weight, you need to stretch out the muscles and reset their position. These drills will re-educate them so that they put your head in the right place again.

Deep belly breathing helps you relax, letting go of tension and stress in the neck, shoulders, back and the whole body. This can bring your head into balance with its surroundings.

As you push your head forward, your spine locks up and stress is placed on the disks. Unlocking these joints decreases the stress put on discs that can cause damage.

Weakness in the cervical flexors at the back of your neck causes you to tilt your head forward. Recent research has shown that restoring balance is possible through re-training this muscle group.

Massage therapy can loosen and lengthen muscles that have tightened. Massages also relieve muscle spasms or tightness in your body caused by trigger points, which are tiny spots of tenderness within a muscle that you may not even be aware of until they are pressed upon.

Static stretching elongates muscles and tendons by targeting shortened ones. Done in the proper order, static stretching can be very effective— as long as one avoids bouncing while holding a stretch.

Now that we have unwound the head, neck and upper body by working on all the muscles and joints affected by FHP, we can focus on maintaining this new beneficial posture.

forward head posture fix

Click here to visit official Forward Head Posture Fix website.

Purchasing process: Forward Head Posture Fix Review

Forward Head Posture Receipt

I felt confident making the purchase as I knew my credit card details would be safe and dealt with by Clickbank (as opposed to the vendor) – something I had no issues with in the past when requesting refunds for other products.

I was continually pestered with marketing material and upsells, even after I had purchased the program. After finally gaining access to the content, more popup advertisements tried to sell me additional products.

I actually meant to take a screenshot of the receipt but ended up purchasing one of the upsells for $7.99 instead–which wasn’t a huge issue, but still incredibly frustrating nonetheless.

Update: I was able to cancle my subscription and receive a refund for the upsell.

What I got: Forward Head Posture Fix program materials

The Forward Head Posture Fix program comes with a manual in pdf format and some instructional videos. I thought I would get physical copies of the DVD and Manual, but these are actually just digital files on the software that you download to your computer.

The videos are available for download, so that you can watch them whenever is convenient. Here’s the list of all material downloaded from this website:

The Forward Head Posture Fix Manual in PDF format

The Forward Head Posture Fix Manual in PDF format is a 60-page ebook. There is a link to download the manual.

The first part of the manual is a background section that includes some important information about forward head posture, such as what it is and how to recognize its symptoms. Additionally, this section explains why the order in which you perform these exercises is more important than any individual exercise itself.

In my opinion, it was just a more in-depth version of the original sales letter.

Although the book did provide me with some interesting information about forward head posture, I bought it mainly to learn how to correct this condition.

I thought the book would provide scientific evidence in support of the sequential flow method, but it failed to offer any relevant scientific support for that view.

4 Forward Head Posture Fix Videos

There are four videos in total: an instructional video demonstrating how to do the exercises, a follow-along video, and two exercise swap videos (one for beginner level, and one for advanced level).


There are 2 bonuses as advertised and 2 additional surprise bonuses.

Lower Back Pain Lifestyle Audit

2 videos, each about 10 minutes long.

10 Best Natural Sleep Solutions by Chris Wilson

I got the same impression about the whole experience when I was reading this book that it was offered as a bonus to cross-sell more products because the ebook lists other products by Chris Wilson, the author of the book.

2 Surprise bonuses: 2 Free DVDs (just pay $7.95 S/H)

The only thing that was surprising was that these links were nothing more than redirection links with some kind of affiliate/tracking codes and that I would have to pay $7.95 for S/H.

1. Top 10 Fat-Burning Exercises for 2022

You can get it for free, if you pay the S/H fee of $7.95.

2. The Pain Hacker

Also, you can get it for free, if you pay the S/H fee of $7.95.

I might be wrong, but my guess is that either you will be taken to more upsell offers or be on their email lists to receive more sales pitches in the future.

Forward Head Posture Fix Review Pros

The program was easy to follow and only required 15 minutes out of my day, but more importantly, I saw results after 4 weeks of doing the exercises-my posture had noticeably improved.

I saw results because I religiously did the exercises. I do not think it was the order in which I did them.

Also, the program costs only $9.00, and it comes with a 60-day money back guarantee, so you really have nothing to lose except for your poor posture.

Forward Head Posture Fix Review Cons

When I read the manual after the purchase, I was disappointed that there was no mention of the Seqential Flow Method.

I didn’t like the lack of scientific evidence to support the claims made in the sales letter. I do not think they even believe in the Seqential Flow Method.

I also didn’t like the fact that there were so many upsells.

I also didn’t like that the majority of the content was just a rehashed version of the sales letter.

I thought the upsells were a bit too aggressive.

My Opinion on Forward Head Posture Fix Program

I was somewhat surprised that the program was more effective than I had anticipated. If you follow through with it and make necessary lifestyle changes, then you will most likely see some improvement in your forward head posture.

I do not believe that the Sequential Flow Method makes any difference whatsoever. They do not provide any scientific evidence to support that claim.

I think it is just a marketing gimmick to make this program unique and special to sell more copies.

The bottom line is that if you are looking for a program to improve your forward head posture, then the Forward Head Posture Fix Program is a decent choice. It is only $9 and comes with a 60-day money back guarantee.

Just avoid all the upsells and OTOs (one time offers) and you will be fine.

Would I recommend Forward Head Posture Fix?

Yes, I would recommend Forward Head Posture Fix to anyone looking for an easy and affordable way to improve their posture. However, I would caution people against buying into the hype and thinking that this is a miracle cure-all.

forward head posture fix

Click here to visit official Forward Head Posture Fix website.