5 Simple Tips to Correct Forward Head Posture

Simple Tips to Correct Forward Head Posture

Forward head posture, also known as “Nerd Neck” or “Text Neck,” is a common postural problem, especially for those who work desk jobs. This postural problem is caused by bad habits formed over several years, and can lead to pain, shoulder issues, problems with the jaw and even headaches.

Because you are placing the weight of your head on the front of your body, the muscles in the back of your neck are forced to work harder.

In time, this leads to chronic neck tension. It can also cause you to have a hunchback, and lead to anterior tilting in the lower back and/or pelvis.

First, Test Yourself!

You can do a wall test to see whether you have forward head posture.

  • Stand with your back and your head against a wall. Keep your heels six inches away from the wall.
  • Determine how many fingers you can place between the wall and the back of your neck.

If you can manage to fit three or more fingers behind your head, you likely have forward head posture to some degree, and you’re certainly not alone.

Nearly 90% of the adult population suffers from this postural issue. It’s incredibly difficult to prevent, especially when you consider how much time we spend in front of a computer screen or driving in a car.

Now that you’re aware of the problem, you can take steps to correct the issue and improve your posture. Here are five simple tips to correct forward head posture and minimize neck pain.

1. Adjust Your Computer Monitor’s Height and Distance

If you spend extended periods of time in front of a computer, you need to ensure that your monitor is at an appropriate distance from your face and at the appropriate height. The top third of your screen should be at eye level. The screen should be between 18 and 24 inches away from your face.

If the monitor is too close, it will cause undue strain on your eyes, and also cause you to slouch forward. A monitor that is too high or too low will also cause you to strain your neck and eyes.

By keeping the screen at an appropriate height and distance, your neck can remain relaxed and in its natural position.

Also, you should make sure that you follow these rules to ensure proper posture while working with your computer:

  • Make sure that you can reach the keyboard keys with your wrists as flat as possible (not bent up or down) and straight (not bent left or right).
  • Make sure that the elbow angle (the angle between the inner surface of the upper arm and the forearm) is at or greater than 90 degrees to avoid nerve compression at the elbow.
  • Make sure that the upper arm and elbow are as close to the body and as relaxed as possible for mouse use – avoid overreaching. Also make sure that the wrist is as straight as possible when the mouse is being used.
  • Make sure that you sit back in the chair and have good back support. Also check that the feet can be placed flat on the floor or on a footrest.
  • Make sure the head and neck are as straight as possible.
  • Make sure the posture feels relaxed.

Ergonomic Guidelines for arranging a Computer Workstation – 10 steps for users

2. Lift Your Chest & Work on Your Pecs

When attempting to correct forward head posture, most people tuck their head back. However, this postural issue is often accompanied by a slouched back and rounded shoulders. Simply pushing your neck backward will not correct the issue.

Lifting your chest, however, will cause your neck to naturally retract. At the same time, it will also address your slouching back and rounded shoulders. You will also have to work on developing your pecs (pectoral muscle) to be able to lift your chest properly.

Pecs are really important when it comes to your posture:

The back and shoulders get most of the attention when it comes to posture. However, due to their size, the pecs also play an important role in upright posture and stability by assisting with scapula (shoulder blade) and shoulder joint support.

3. Perform Posture Corrective Exercises

While it is important to focus on developing the muscles that will help improve your posture, you also need to perform exercises that target the specific issue of forward head posture. Here are 2 of the most effective exercises for FHP.

Chin Tuck

This exercise helps stretch and strengthen the neck muscles, which in turn helps promote better alignment of the spine and shoulders and improves posture.

To perform a chin tuck, simply follow these steps:

  1. Sit or stand up straight with your shoulders relaxed and down.
  2. Gently nudge your chin back. Then, without holding your breath, tuck your chin to your throat. You may feel a mild tug on your upper neck when practicing this. Remember to move your skull up or down, turn your head forward, or twist your neck.
  3. Hold it for about 5 seconds.
  4. Bring your chin forward again.

Supine Chin Tuck

This exercise is similar to chin tuck but requires a different position.

  1. Begin by lying down on your back. Ensure that nothing is behind or under your head.
  2. Tuck in your chin by bringing your chin towards your chest. Do not lift the back of your head off of the floor. Hold this position for five minutes.
  3. Return to the starting position.

4. Purchase an Ergonomic Chair

If you work at a desk all day, then it is important to have an ergonomic chair that will support your back and promote good posture.

When looking for an ergonomic chair, make sure to find one that:

Has a firm backrest that supports the natural curve of your spine.

Has adjustable armrests so you can maintain proper alignment of your shoulders, neck, and wrists.

Is adjustable in height so you can position yourself at the correct height relative to your computer screen.

Has a swivel seat so you can move around easily.

5. Use a Supportive Neck Pillow

A supportive neck pillow may assist prevent a stiff or painful neck during the day. Supportive neck pillows follow your head and neck’s natural curve.

Your head is placed in the middle of the pillow, while your neck is fully supported by a curved section at the bottom. It’s also vital to remember that you should never sleep with more than one pillow.

When you sleep on many pillows, you put your neck in an unnatural upright posture.

It might take some time to get used to, but sleeping with only one pillow is fantastic. We spend around a third of our life asleep, so making sure your posture while sleeping at night is correct is critical.

There you have it!

5 simple tips to help correct your forward head posture. Remember, it’s important to focus on all aspects of your posture, not just your neck.

By following these tips and incorporating them into your daily routine, you will be well on your way to improving your posture and enjoying all the benefits that come with it!