11 Foods to Avoid for Your Back Pain

Foods to Avoid for Back Pain

If you’re one of the many people who suffer from back pain, you know that any little thing can set it off. Unfortunately, that means that you have to be vigilant about what you eat and drink.

Some foods are known to aggravate back pain, while others can help to alleviate it. Here is a list of some of the worst offenders when it comes to aggravating back pain.

You might be surprised by some of the items on the list!

Sugary foods

When it comes to back pain, sugary foods are one of the worst offenders. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate that is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, causing blood sugar levels to spike. This can lead to inflammation, which can in turn cause pain and stiffness in the back and spine. In addition, sugary foods are often high in calories, which can contribute to weight gain. Excess weight puts additional strain on the back and spine, exacerbating pain. For these reasons, it is best to avoid sugary foods when you are dealing with back pain. opting for healthier options instead.

Salty foods

Salty foods are often discouraged for people suffering from back pain, but the reason why may not be immediately clear. In fact, salt is essential for the proper functioning of the spine and nervous system.

However, too much salt can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, which can exacerbate back pain. When salt intake is high, the body retains water to maintain a balanced state. This can lead to bloating and stiffness, as well as increased pressure on the spine. In addition, salty foods can trigger inflammation, which can also contribute to back pain. For these reasons, it is best to moderate your intake of salty foods if you suffer from back pain.

Processed foods

Processed foods are a major contributor to back pain. The chemicals and preservatives in these foods can lead to inflammation, which can put pressure on the spine and nerves.

In addition, processed foods are often high in sugar and fat, which can contribute to weight gain. This extra weight can put additional strain on the back and lead to pain.

Finally, processed foods often contain empty calories that provide no nutritional value. This can leave the body depleted of the nutrients it needs to support the spine and maintain healthy joints.

For all these reasons, it is best to avoid processed foods when trying to manage back pain. Instead, focus on consuming fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

These nutrient-rich foods will help to reduce inflammation and support a healthy spine.

Caffeinated beverages

Caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, tea, and soda, are often consumed to help increase energy levels. However, these beverages can actually have the opposite effect when it comes to back pain.

The caffeine in these drinks can lead to dehydration, which can then cause the disks in the spine to degenerate. This can lead to pain and stiffness in the back. In addition, caffeine is a stimulant that can increase anxiety levels. This can make it difficult to relax, exacerbating back pain.

Finally, caffeinated beverages can raise blood pressure and heart rate. This can contribute to inflammation, which can worsen back pain. For these reasons, it is best to avoid caffeine when you are dealing with back pain.


While moderate alcohol consumption is generally considered safe, it can actually aggravate back pain. Alcohol dehydrates the body and can lead to inflammation.

In addition, alcohol is a depressant that can interfere with sleep. This can make it difficult to get the rest you need to recover from a back injury.

Finally, alcohol can interact with pain medications, making them less effective. For these reasons, it is best to avoid alcohol if you suffer from back pain.

Fatty foods

Fatty foods are another common trigger for back pain. These foods are often high in calories and can contribute to weight gain. In addition, fatty foods can lead to inflammation, which can worsen back pain.

Finally, fatty foods can slow down digestion and make it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients. This can leave the body depleted of the vitamins and minerals it needs to support a healthy spine. For these reasons, it is best to avoid fatty foods when you are dealing with back pain.

Spicy foods

Back pain is a common issue that many people deal with on a daily basis.There are a number of things that can contribute to back pain, but one often overlooked culprit is spicy food.

Spicy foods can cause inflammation and irritation in the stomach and intestines, which can lead to pain in the lower back and spine.

In addition, spicy foods can also trigger muscle spasms, which can further exacerbate back pain. If you are struggling with back pain, eliminating spicy foods from your diet may help to provide relief.

Dairy products

Dairy products are another food that can trigger back pain. Dairy products are often high in fat and can lead to weight gain.

In addition, dairy products can cause inflammation, which can worsen back pain.

Finally, dairy products can also contribute to constipation. This can make it difficult to have a bowel movement and can lead to straining, which can put additional pressure on the back and cause pain.

If you are dealing with back pain, eliminating dairy products from your diet may help to provide relief.


MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is a common food additive that is often used to enhance the flavor of savory dishes. MSG has been linked to a number of health concerns, including headaches, anxiety, and stomach problems.

MSG can also be a problem for people with back pain. MSG can cause the spine to tighten and contract, which can aggravate existing back pain.

MSG can also interfere with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, which can lead to further health problems. For these reasons, it is best to avoid MSG when possible.

MSG is often added to processed foods, so be sure to check labels carefully. You may also want to avoid eating at restaurants that use MSG in their food.

Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners are another common food additive that can trigger back pain. Artificial sweeteners are often used as a sugar substitute in processed foods.

They can also be found in diet sodas and other sugar-free products. Artificial sweeteners can cause inflammation and irritation in the body, which can lead to pain.

In addition, artificial sweeteners can also interfere with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. This can leave the body depleted of the vitamins and minerals it needs to support a healthy spine.

For these reasons, it is best to avoid artificial sweeteners when you are dealing with back pain.

Red meat

Red meat is another food that can trigger back pain. Red meat is often high in fat and cholesterol, which can lead to weight gain.

In addition, red meat can cause inflammation, which can worsen back pain.

Finally, red meat can also contribute to constipation. This can make it difficult to have a bowel movement and can lead to straining, which can put additional pressure on the back and cause pain.

If you are dealing with back pain, eliminating red meat from your diet may help to provide relief.

So, what’s the takeaway? If you’re looking to cut down on back pain, try avoiding these foods. While some may not trigger pain for everyone, they’re worth avoiding if you want to minimize your risk.

Of course, you should always speak with a doctor before making any major changes to your diet. But in the meantime, cut out the msg and dairy, lay off the artificial sweeteners, and enjoy your meat in moderation. Your back will thank you.